
Character From Mixamo Not Animating In Unity

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  1. Is your character also set up with a humanoid rig?

    Try changing the rig import avatar on the animation to inherit from your character.

  2. I have noted the same problems in Unity 2018.2 . Some times ago importing Mixamo Animation did work. Now it seems that something is broken.

    When i went into "Avatar Configuration" i get now the message " Character is not in T pose".

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
  3. Under "Avatar Definition", change it from "Create From This Model" to "Copy From Other Avatar" and set it to the original model's avatar. For you it would be "Playable 1Avatar".
  4. Has there been a fix found for this issue as i an having the exact same issue and also see the "Character is not in T pose" when looking at the avatar. I'm using the Morph3d MCS models. All the Unity Standard Assets animations work fine, and it's just the Mixamo ones i cannot get to work.
  5. I'm seeing the same thing here. I can import the animations fine in a 2018.2 project, but in a 2018.3.3f1 project all mixamo animations now give: Character is not in T Pose
  6. ex0r


    Nov 9, 2012
    How did you get them to import in 2018.2? When I attach them to a controller the animations get broken when I play them back .
  7. I got this working yesterday, here's what I did:
    • Download Animation in FBX for Unity format, and without skin
    • Select animation in unity, convert to humanoid rig, and apply
    • On the same page click configure
    • Click on Pose, and then Enforce Tpose
    • Click Apply, then Done
    • Edit the Animation under the fbx and rename the animation name from to a useful animation name
    • Duplicate the animation from the fbx to extract it from the fbx, now you have the animation without the fbx
  8. that kinda worked for me. The bones and animations got fixed but lost the root motion
  9. Is this Unity's new way of importing animations now or it's a bug?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
  10. It's a Bug. Adobe needs to address this issue. I can't seem to fix the animations.
  11. You can try to change "root motion node" in "motion" in animation import settings on "Root transform" from "None"
  12. Animations (not just Mixamo - I'm not using anything from Mixamo but this thread seems relevant) seem to be totally borked in 2018.3.5 and 2018.3.6. I have them working fine in 2018.2.5, with the same import options. By "borked" I mean they are completely hosed. Bones rotated all over the place weirdly, character position hopping everywhere.

    In 3.x I get the "Character is not in T pose" message in the configure options. I've tried both "Enforce T-pose" as well as "Sample Bind-pose" and doing that changes things so they come closer to working, but they are still pretty seriously bugged. The character pops all over the place, no matter what settings I do for root motion (in the character and/or the animations import), and some of the bones are still rotated strangely.

    So for now I'm rolling back to 2018.2.5 since that works fine. I'd like to hear from Unity about this, if they made major changes to the animation system moving forwards, that would be good to know.

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
  13. I had this problem. I found out that the animations I downloaded with the same model before the problem started were still fine.
    So, I
    1. download the animations from mixamo "without skin"
    2. under "Rig" I changed the Avatar Definition to "Humanoid" and "Copy from other avatar".
    3. I plugged in an avatar from one of my old downloads into the "Source" field and it worked.
  14. In the end, I opened the animation from Mixamo and configured it by hand:

    I selected configure:

    And then dragged in all of the bones to match:

    The odd bit is that Mixamo has more bones, especially in the hands, than the Unity Rig:

    I did have to enforce t-pose in the Pose menu:

  15. As a word of caution, when I tried to simply enforce T-Pose on an empty (red) rig:

    Unity just crashes:

    So, (as far as I could tell) I had to manually drag in the bones!

  16. Strangely...

    On a third or fourth try, Automap seems to work now:

    It crashed Unity the first few times I tried it.

    FWIW Automap seems to ignore the 4th bone in the hand, whereas I ignored the first when I did it manually:

  17. So:

    Download without skin:



    Enforce T-Pose:

    Apply and Done

    You should be good to go.

  18. Just sent a bug report and hopefully Unity will do something about this. In Unity 5 all you have to do is import your .fbx animation file and convert to Humanoid. Unity 2018 has problems with this for some reason..

    I literally have Unity 5 installed just to convert animation files to Humanoid properly and then bring it back to Unity 2018.

    mbhagat, twobob and Ony like this.
  19. It was exactly the problem, thank you.
  20. this works perfectly! helped a lot. now i just need to rename 39 animations that are lol. Adobe and Unity really should find a workaround for this besides just blaming each other
  21. hi i am trying to import mixamo animations in my humanoid model but the animation arent working properly
  22. copy the T-pose Avatar and replace with other Avatars
  23. zedz


    Aug 31, 2013
    OK, Ive had a lot of issues
    tried a lot here and in other threads on these forums, which didnt work 100%, I'ld still have dragging legs etc
    But this might help in some cases

    To fix the floating person problem, go to the Model tab, and change the persons scale of the imported animation for some meshes this was enough to fix the floating

  24. Thank You ! It saved my time.
  25. i did all the above things they was not working for me.
    what i did is :
    1) downloaded the Animation (walking) without skin.
    2) downloaded a ybot character of mixamo in T_pose.
    3) assigned the animation to The ybot Character in Maya.
    4) exported the animation with skin and it solved the issue

    when iam exporting the animation without skin i face the same issue.

    Solution :
    export the animation with skin and use it.

    iam using unity 2018.3 and it is also working in unity 2019.2.8

    Attached Files:

    • upload_2019-12-28_12-17-10.png
  26. Yea, that is what worked to me. Saved me headaches.
    I'm using unity 2019.4.1f1
  27. 1) Import the mixamo animation to Unity 2017
    2) Convert the animation to humanoid
    3) Export the animation as unitypackage
    4) Import the unitypackage into higher versions of Unity
  28. Im using 2019.4.3f1 When I do the create the Avatar from other avatar it throws an error and the animation disappears until I check create from this model again.
  29. Fixed it for Blender after a long trial and error process. Make sure you select everything if you use Selected Objects.

    For animations Import but use the models avatar instead.

    Also you only need the Armature and Mesh for Mixamo, although I'm not expecting some one working on a mixamo to have other data that they need from Blender.

    Edited: Changed image, both 7.4 and Unity mixamos work fine & Blender 2.79e does not have the FBX 7.4 Binary option that we need.

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
  30. Upload the character you are using to Mixamo and then download required animations [You can download it without skin].
    This way the you should not get any errors with animation.
  31. lol this is what I git after uploading my character to mixamo...


  32. The solution now appears to just download the animation as an FBX instead of the FBX for Unity. Likely because my characters are just generic instead of humanoid.

Character From Mixamo Not Animating In Unity


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